18 May 2016

SBMA, Taiwanese port firm sign MOU to better utilize Kaoshiung port

The Taiwan International Port Corporation (TIPC) has signed in April a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) in the Philippines on the transit or transfer goods at Kaohsiung Port.

The Philippines has seen phenomenal economic growth in recent years and the Subic Bay Freeport Zone, with 15 piers, is a focus for economic development by the Philippine government as it is close to Clark International Airport, as well having its own international airport, all of which makes Subic Bay a valuable investment target, state-run TIPC said.

Huang Yi-ming, senior supervisor of TIPC’s Kaohsiung branch, said the Subic Bay Freeport Zone houses 1,300 companies from around the world, including Taiwanese firms Wistron Corp, Hitachi Taiwan and Tong Lung Metal Industry Co.

These companies need logistics warehouses, and the partnership agreement between the two ports could motivate more manufacturers in the zone to consolidate their products at Kaohsiung Port before shipping them to the US, elsewhere in Asia and to other nations, he said.

Subic Bay has seen 50 percent growth in cargo handled since 2013, and the SBMA has forecast growth of 30 percent this year, Huang said.

TIPC spokesperson Stephen Liu said the long-distance shipping business, particularly to the North America, has been Kaohsiung Port’s strong suit. "Through Kaohsiung, one can also go on to ports in China,” Liu added.

Compared with ports in Hong Kong and Singapore, Kaohsiung offers competitive rates for transit goods containers, Liu said, adding that the exchange between the seaports would draw more investments in both seaports. (Taipei Times)

[1]  SBMA Chairman Roberto Garcia (right) exchanges pleasantries with members of the Taiwanese trade delegation led by TIPC Chairman Chih-Ching Chang in a meeting held early this year as part of the delegation's visit to Subic Bay. (AMD/MPD-SBMA)

[2] TIPC Chairman Chih-Ching Chang (left) presents SBMA Chairman Roberto Garcia with a memento during the visit of Taiwanese investors to the Subic Bay Freeport in January this year. (AMD/MPD-SBMA)

Read more: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2016/04/27/2003644944

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